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Add SAML SSO to Django App

This guide assumes that you have a Django app and want to enable SAML Single Sign-On authentication for your enterprise customers. By the end of this guide, you'll have an app that allows you to authenticate the users using SAML Single Sign-On.

Visit the GitHub repository to see the source code for the Django SAML SSO integration.

Integrating SAML SSO into an app involves the following steps.

  • Configure SAML Single Sign-On
  • Authenticate with SAML Single Sign-On

Configure SAML Single Sign-On

This step allows your tenants to configure SAML connections for their users. Read the following guides to understand more about this.

Authenticate with SAML Single Sign-On

Once you add a SAML connection, the app can use this SAML connection to initiate the SSO authentication flow using SAML Jackson. The following sections focuses more on the SSO authentication side.

[WIP - Coming Soon]