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Add SAML SSO to AdonisJS App

This guide assumes that you have a AdonisJS app and want to enable SAML Single Sign-On authentication for your enterprise customers. By the end of this guide, you'll have an app that allows you to authenticate the users using SAML Single Sign-On.

Visit the GitHub repository to see the source code for the AdonisJS SAML SSO integration.

Integrating SAML SSO into an app involves the following steps.

  • Configure SAML Single Sign-On
  • Authenticate with SAML Single Sign-On

Configure SAML Single Sign-On

This step allows your tenants to configure SAML connections for their users. Read the following guides to understand more about this.

Authenticate with SAML Single Sign-On

Once you add a SAML connection, the app can use this SAML connection to initiate the SSO authentication flow using SAML Jackson. The following sections focus more on the SSO authentication side.

Install SAML Jackson

To get started with SAML Jackson, use the Node Package Manager to add the package to your project's dependencies.

npm i --save @boxyhq/saml-jackson

Setup SAML Jackson

Setup the SAML Jackson to work with AdonisJS app.

import { type JacksonOption } from '@boxyhq/saml-jackson';

export const appUrl = '';
export const samlAudience = '';
export const redirectUrl = `${appUrl}/sso/callback`;

export const options: JacksonOption = {
externalUrl: appUrl,
samlPath: '/sso/acs',
db: {
engine: 'sql',
type: 'postgres',
url: 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres',

samlPath is where the identity provider POST the SAML response after authenticating the user and redirectUrl is where the SAML Jackson redirects the user after authentication.

Create a new custom Provider JacksonProvider that relies on the @boxyhq/saml-jackson. The boot method initializes the SAML Jackson and returns a singleton.

import type { ApplicationContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application';

import { options } from '../lib/jackson';

export default class JacksonProvider {
constructor(protected app: ApplicationContract) {}

public async boot() {
const jackson = await require('@boxyhq/saml-jackson').default(options);'BoxyHQ/Jackson', () => {
const { connectionAPIController, oauthController } = jackson;

return {

public register() {
// Register your own bindings

public async ready() {
// App is ready

public async shutdown() {
// Cleanup, since app is going down

Create a declaration file if you are working with TypeScript.

declare module '@ioc:BoxyHQ/Jackson' {
import { type IOAuthController, type IConnectionAPIController } from '@boxyhq/saml-jackson';

export const connectionAPIController: IConnectionAPIController;
export const oauthController: IOAuthController;

Make Authentication Request

Let's add a route to begin the authenticate flow; this route initiates the SAML SSO flow by redirecting the users to their configured Identity Provider.

import LoginController from 'App/Controllers/Http/LoginController';'/login', async (ctx) => {
return new LoginController().store(ctx);

The store method of LoginController takes care of redirecting the user to the Identity Provider.

import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';

import { oauthController } from '@ioc:BoxyHQ/Jackson';
import { type OAuthReq } from '@boxyhq/saml-jackson';
import { redirectUrl } from '../../../lib/jackson';

export default class LoginController {
public async store({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) {
const tenant = ''; // The user's tenant
const product = ''; // Your app or product name
const state = 'a-random-state-value'; // You can use the `state` parameter to restore application state between redirects.

const { redirect_url } = await oauthController.authorize({
redirect_uri: redirectUrl,
} as OAuthReq);

return response.redirect(redirect_url as string);

Receives SAML Response

After successful authentication, Identity Provider POST the SAML response to the Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL.

Let's add a route to handle the SAML response. Ensure the route matches the value of the samlPath you configured while initializing the SAML Jackson library and should be able to receives POST request.

import SSOController from 'App/Controllers/Http/SSOController';'/sso/acs', async (ctx) => {
return new SSOController().acs(ctx);

The acs method of SSOController takes care of handling the SAML response from the Identity Provider and redirecting the users to the redirectUrl.

import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';

import { oauthController } from '@ioc:BoxyHQ/Jackson';

export default class SSOController {
public async acs({ request, response }: HttpContextContract) {
const relayState = request.input('RelayState');
const samlResponse = request.input('SAMLResponse');

const { redirect_url } = await oauthController.samlResponse({
RelayState: relayState,
SAMLResponse: samlResponse,

return response.redirect(redirect_url as string);

Request Access Token

Let's add another route for receiving the callback after the authentication. Ensure the route matches the value of the redirectUrl you configured previously.

import SSOController from 'App/Controllers/Http/SSOController';

Route.get('/sso/callback', async (ctx) => {
return new SSOController().callback(ctx);

The application requests an access_token by passing the authorization code along with authentication details, including the client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri.

The callback method of SSOController take care of this.

import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext';

import { oauthController } from '@ioc:BoxyHQ/Jackson';
import { type OAuthTokenReqWithCredentials } from '@boxyhq/saml-jackson';
import { redirectUrl } from '../../../lib/jackson';

export default class SSOController {
public async callback({ request, response, auth }: HttpContextContract) {
const { code, state } = request.qs();

const tenant = ''; // The user's tenant
const product = ''; // Your app or product name

const clientId = `tenant=${tenant}&product=${product}`;
const clientSecret = 'dummy';

// Exchange the `code` for `access_token`
const { access_token } = await oauthController.token({
client_id: clientId,
client_secret: clientSecret,
redirect_uri: redirectUrl,
} as OAuthTokenReqWithCredentials);

Fetch User Profile

Once the access_token has been fetched, you can use it to retrieve the user profile from the Identity Provider. The userInfo method returns a response containing the user profile if the authorization is valid.

const user = await oauthController.userInfo(access_token);

The entire response will look something like this:

"id":"<id from the Identity Provider>",
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "SAML",
"lastName": "Jackson",
"requested": {
"tenant": "<tenant>",
"product": "<product>",
"client_id": "<client_id>",
"state": "<state>"
"raw": {

Authenticate User

Once the user has been retrieved from the Identity Provider, you may determine if the user exists in your application and authenticate the user. If the user does not exist in your application, you will typically create a new record in your database to represent the user.