Add SAML SSO to React App
This guide assumes that you have a React app and want to enable SAML Single Sign-On authentication for your enterprise customers. By the end of this guide, you'll have an app that allows you to authenticate the users using SAML Single Sign-On.
If you wish to dive straight into the source, Checkout:
We use an express backend with the React Single Page App. The code for this can be found at
Integrating SAML SSO into an app involves the following steps.
- Configure SAML Single Sign-On
- Authenticate with SAML Single Sign-On
Configure Enterprise SSO on React
This step allows your tenants to configure SAML connections for their users. Read the following guides to understand more about this.
Authenticate with SAML Single Sign-On
Once you add a SAML connection, the app can use this SAML connection to initiate the SSO authentication flow using SAML Jackson. The following sections focus more on the SSO authentication side.
Deploy SAML Jackson
The first step is to deploy the SAML Jackson service. Follow the deployment docs to install and configure the SAML Jackson.
Setup SAML Jackson Integration
We'll use the client library @bity/oauth2-auth-code-pkce
to implement the authentication process. It is a zero-dependency OAuth 2.0 client implementing the authorization code grant with PKCE for client-side protection.
npm i --save @bity/oauth2-auth-code-pkce
Let's configure the OAuth2AuthCodePKCE
client to use the SAML Jackson service for authentication. Here we use a custom hook so that the oauthClient
can be used elsewhere in the app.
import { OAuth2AuthCodePKCE } from '@bity/oauth2-auth-code-pkce';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
interface OauthClientOptions {
redirectUrl: string;
export default function useOAuthClient({
}: OauthClientOptions): OAuth2AuthCodePKCE | null {
const [oauthClient, setOauthClient] = useState<OAuth2AuthCodePKCE | null>(
useEffect(() => {
new OAuth2AuthCodePKCE({
authorizationUrl: `${JACKSON_URL}/api/oauth/authorize`,
tokenUrl: `${JACKSON_URL}/api/oauth/token`,
// Setting the clientId dummy here. We pass additional query params for
// tenant and product in the authorize request.
clientId: 'dummy',
scopes: [],
onAccessTokenExpiry(refreshAccessToken) {
console.log('Expired! Access token needs to be renewed.');
'We will try to get a new access token via grant code or refresh token.'
return refreshAccessToken();
onInvalidGrant(refreshAuthCodeOrRefreshToken) {
'Expired! Auth code or refresh token needs to be renewed.'
alert('Redirecting to auth server to obtain a new auth grant code.');
//return refreshAuthCodeOrRefreshToken();
}, [redirectUrl]);
return oauthClient;
Setup global Authentication primitives
We need a way to make the logged-in user
as well as the signIn
, signOut
methods accessible globally. These, along with the setTenant
(method used to select the tenant for the SSO flow) and authStatus
(boolean which helps us to conditionally render content based on whether the authenticated status is fully known or being loaded) are made available throughout the application by using AuthContext
import React, { useState, useEffect, ReactNode, createContext } from 'react';
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
import useOAuthClient from '../hooks/useOAuthClient';
import { authenticate, getProfileByJWT } from './backend';
interface ProviderProps {
children: ReactNode;
interface AuthContextInterface {
setTenant?: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<string>>;
authStatus: 'UNKNOWN' | 'FETCHING' | 'LOADED';
user: any;
signIn: () => void;
signOut: (callback: VoidFunction) => void;
// localstorage key to store from url
const APP_FROM_URL = 'appFromUrl';
export const AuthContext = createContext<AuthContextInterface>(null!);
We also create a custom hook that returns a handle to the AuthContext
import { useContext } from 'react';
import { AuthContext } from '../lib/AuthProvider';
const useAuth = () => {
return useContext(AuthContext);
export default useAuth;
We will wire up the flow inside the AuthProvider.
Once the app shell is rendered, we run an effect that uses the
to conduct the flow. Two scenarios need to be handled here. The first one is the case where we have secured an access_token from the SSO provider (Jackson) in which case we can retrieve the logged-in user profile by passing in the cookie. The second one is the case where the browser gets redirected back to the app, after signing in at IdP. The authorization code in the redirect is exchanged for an access token which is then passed to the app backend to complete the login.src/lib/AuthProvider.tsxconst AuthProvider = ({ children }: ProviderProps) => {
const [user, setUser] = useState<any>(null);
const [authStatus, setAuthStatus] = useState<AuthContextInterface['authStatus']>('UNKNOWN');
const redirectUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_APP_URL + from;
const authClient = useOAuthClient({ redirectUrl });
useEffect(() => {
let didCancel = false;
const loadUser = async () => {
if (!authClient) {
if (authClient.isAuthorized()) {
const { data, error } = await getProfileByJWT();
if (!didCancel && !error) {
} else {
try {
const hasAuthCode = await authClient?.isReturningFromAuthServer();
if (!hasAuthCode) {
devLogger('no auth code detected...');
} else {
const token = !didCancel
? await authClient?.getAccessToken()
: null;
token && localStorage.removeItem(APP_FROM_URL);
// authentication happens at the backend where the above token is used
// to retrieve user profile
const profile = await authenticate(token?.token?.value);
if (!didCancel && profile) {
} catch (err) {
} finally {
return () => {
didCancel = true;
}, [authClient]);
const value = {
return <AuthContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</AuthContext.Provider>;
export { AuthContext, AuthProvider }; -
When someone tries to access protected/private routes they will be redirected to the login page. Before we do this we save the current location they were trying to access in the history state. This logic is encapsulated in the
wrapper component. Use it to protect routes that require authentication.src/components/RequireAuth.tsxconst RequireAuth = ({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) => {
let { user, authStatus } = useAuth();
let location = useLocation();
if (authStatus !== 'LOADED') {
return null;
if (!user) {
// Redirect them to the /login page, but save the current location they were
// trying to go to when they were redirected. This allows us to send them
// along to that page after they login, which is a nicer user experience
// than dropping them off on the home page.
return <Navigate to="/login" state={{ from: location }} replace />;
return children;
export default RequireAuth;We then use the
state in theredirectUrl
to construct theoAuthClient
.src/lib/AuthProvider.tsxlet location = useLocation();
let from =
location.state?.from?.pathname ||
localStorage.getItem(APP_FROM_URL) ||
const redirectUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_APP_URL + from;
const authClient = useOAuthClient({ redirectUrl }); -
methods can be implemented as follows:src/lib/AuthProvider.tsxconst signIn = async () => {
// store the 'from' url before redirecting ... we need this to correctly initialize
// the oauthClient after getting redirected back from SSO Provider.
localStorage.setItem(APP_FROM_URL, from);
// Initiate the login flow
await authClient?.fetchAuthorizationCode({
product: '',
const signOut = async (callback: VoidFunction) => {
const value = {
return (
<AuthContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</AuthContext.Provider>
Make Authentication Request
Let's add a page to begin the authenticate flow. This page initiates (by calling signIn
from the AuthContext
) the SAML SSO flow by redirecting the users to their configured Identity Provider (via Jackson).
The user will be redirected to the IdP when clicking the "Continue with SAML SSO" button.
import React from 'react';
import { Navigate, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
import useAuth from '../hooks/useAuth';
const Login = () => {
let location = useLocation();
let from = location.state?.from?.pathname || '/profile';
const { signIn, setTenant, authStatus, user } = useAuth();
if (authStatus !== 'LOADED') {
return null;
if (authStatus === 'LOADED' && user) {
return <Navigate to={from} replace />;
return (
<div className="mx-auto h-screen max-w-7xl">
<div className="flex h-full flex-col justify-center space-y-5">
<h2 className="text-center text-3xl">Log in to App</h2>
<div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-3 md:px-0">
<div className="rounded border border-gray-200 bg-white py-5 px-5">
<form className="space-y-3" method="POST" onSubmit={signIn}>
<label htmlFor="tenant" className="block text-sm">
Tenant ID
className="block w-full appearance-none rounded border border-gray-300 text-sm placeholder-gray-400 focus:outline-none focus:ring-indigo-500"
onChange={(e) =>
typeof setTenant === 'function' && setTenant(
className="w-full rounded border border-transparent bg-indigo-600 px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-white focus:outline-none"
Continue with SAML SSO
export default Login;
Fetch User Profile
Once the accessToken
has been fetched, the React app can use it to retrieve the user profile from the Identity Provider.
Typically you would use your backend service (Eg: Express.js) to call the SAML Jackson API to fetch the user profile using the accessToken
Here are the express.js routes that return the user profile either on login or by parsing the JWT from the client-side cookie.
app.get('/api/authenticate', async function (req, res, next) {
const accessToken = req.query.access_token;
if (!accessToken) {
throw new Error('Access token not found.');
const response = await fetch(
method: 'GET',
const profile = await response.json();
// Once the user has been retrieved from the Identity Provider,
// you may determine if the user exists in your application and authenticate the user.
// If the user does not exist in your application, you will typically create a new record in your database to represent the user.
const token = jsonwebtoken.sign(
firstName: profile.firstName,
lastName: profile.lastName,
res.cookie('sso-token', token, { httpOnly: true });
app.get('/api/profile', async function (req, res, next) {
const token = req.cookies['sso-token'];
if (!token) {
return res
.json({ data: null, error: { message: 'Missing JWT' } });
// You may fetch the user profile from your database using the user id.
const payload = jsonwebtoken.verify(token, jwtSecret);
return res.json({ data: payload, error: null });
The profile will look something like this:
"id":"<id from the Identity Provider>",
"email": "",
"firstName": "SAML",
"lastName": "Jackson",
"requested": {
"tenant": "<tenant>",
"product": "<product>",
"client_id": "<client_id>",
"state": "<state>"
"raw": {
In the React app, we call the getProfileByJWT
if an access_token is already in possession or we call the authenticate
when returning back from SSO provider with the authorization code.
const apiUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL;
export const authenticate = async (token: string | undefined) => {
if (!token) {
throw new Error('Access token not found.');
const response = await fetch(
method: 'GET',
credentials: 'include',
if (response.ok) {
return await response.json();
return null;
export const getProfileByJWT = async () => {
const response = await fetch(`${apiUrl}/api/profile`, {
method: 'GET',
credentials: 'include',
return await response.json();
Ready to go
That's it, your react app is ready for Single Sign-On. 🎉
Next steps
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