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Admin API

Swagger JSON | API Console

Login API

This endpoint authenticates an admin user and returns a user object along with a token for further API requests.

HTTP Request

POST http://localhost:3000/auditlog/admin/v1/user/_login


  • Authorization: token=dev
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

"claims": {
"upstreamToken": "ADMIN_ROOT_TOKEN",
"email": "[email protected]"


"user": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"id": "9ad08d2411744fa0aa8fd06cfccb03ed",
"timezone": "US/Pacific"
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI5YWQwOGQyNDExNzQ0ZmEwYWE4ZmQwNmNmY2NiMDNlZCIsImlhdCI6MTcyMTc0MTk2MywiZXhwIjoxNzIzNTU2MzYzfQ.yG0pyL1zOfEiRSW8MAD_nx8SXQJ68ApBzKYUDup9mdk",
"adminToken": {
"id": "dbbc691661e44a579a5dc700a30ca278",
"userId": "9ad08d2411744fa0aa8fd06cfccb03ed",
"tokenBcrypt": "$2a$12$uVSlNF1xuFF.IAKnJSN2aejUeEPSn.sGAt/iE8UoTelH3FrIu7ju2",
"token": "678f793002c5496cb6130849a092970b",
"disabled": false,
"createdAt": "2024-07-23T13:39:23.543Z"


After successful login, for further API requests, the Admin API expects a Authorization header with the value computed using the response of the login API.

You need to pass the id and token from the adminToken object in the response of the login API. Replace admin_token with the actual ADMIN_ROOT_TOKEN value.

Authorization: id=dbbc691661e44a579a5dc700a30ca278 token=678f793002c5496cb6130849a092970b admin_token=ADMIN_ROOT_TOKEN