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Running Locally

Clone the project

git clone && cd retraced

Install Dependancies

yarn install or npm i

Set the environment variables

Use .env file to set the Environment Variables.

Tools (DBs, queues, etc.)

Make sure the tools configured in .env file are up & running.






Postgres Migration

Create tables and indexes required for Retraced in Postgres.

node -r ts-node/register src/_db/runner-lite.ts pg

Elastic Migration

Create tables and indexes required for Retraced in Elasticsearch.

node -r ts-node/register src/_db/runner-lite.ts es

Bootstrap dev environment

node -r ts-node/register src/retracedctl.ts bootstrap --projectName dev --projectId dev --environmentId dev --apiKey dev

Start the API

node -r ts-node/register src/index.ts

Start the processor

node -r ts-node/register src/_processor/index.ts

See it in action

Use the postman collection located at ./postman/Retraced.postman_collection.json. You can import the json file in postman and use the API calls to test Retraced.